Feb 22, 2012

I was pretty certain February will end without any new happenings on this part of ze intarwebz but I just have to post this.

You see, I've been re-watching a lot of movies because I'm bored (as always). Yesterday's flicks were The Dark Knight and Batman Begins, among others. In the latter, I was surprised to see a familiar face:

Batman Begins was in 2005. That little boy with the cute accent is now this annoying brat I so want to punch in the face and kick in the... yeah.

It just amuses me to see actors (from when they were younger or starting out in the biz) in movies I've previously watched but haven't taken notice of until I saw them in "bigger" roles and remember them, or recognize them when I watch the movie again.

And yes, that is all.

Feb 5, 2012

I want to go back to school. That may not be the best way to go because I want to try a few different things:
-I'd like to take Anthropology/Sociology/Psychology, which is quite weird knowing how anti-social, shy, and introverted I am. I don't think there's short courses available for these fields. You know, just to try and see if you'd like to pursue a career in any of these or if it's for you.
-I'd like to go into Linguistics again, which is my first course (for a full week, before I hit my head and everything went crazy). I'd like to do translation work. Learn a handful of foreign languages. The good thing about learning other languages is that you can be self-taught or take up lessons. But I want to be able to go all technical about at least one. Hence, the longing to take up Linguistics.

It's frightening to post such personal thoughts here, knowing that these inclinations may vanish all too soon. I remember posting an entry (just a few months back) talking about how I wanted to study again, and looking back, I don't think I feel the same about the degree I was thinking of taking up (CommArts/MassCom), but still considering. What scares me more than not knowing for sure what I want is the fact that by no means can I go back to school anytime soon. Maybe not even after 5 years. Family duty, if ye know what I mean.

I've been miserable for who knows how long, I don't even remember feeling otherwise. I just don't know what to do anymore.

Feb 3, 2012

When you have the best father in the world and a perfectly adorable stepmother, life gets better and better doesn't it?

When you've got the opposite of both, though, what then?